5-day Forecast for Stouffville, ON |
Date |
11 Feb |
12 Feb |
13 Feb |
14 Feb |
15 Feb |
Weather Condition |
Weather |
Snow Showers |
Snow |
Snow |
Snow Showers |
Snow |
L/H (°C) |
-12/-5 |
-12/-5 |
-6/-1 |
-10/-6 |
-9/-1 |
Feels Like
L/H (°C) |
-15/-8 |
-18/-12 |
-12/-4 |
-16/-9 |
-11/-3 |
Dew Point
(°C) |
-12 |
-12 |
-7 |
-13 |
-8 |
(%) |
69 |
66 |
69 |
63 |
78 |
Wind Speed
(kph) |
8 |
16 |
21 |
13 |
8 |
Precip (%) |
30 |
80 |
70 |
38 |
70 |
Precip Amt (cm)
S: <.6 L: 0.03 |
S: 6-10 L: 0.89 |
S: 6-10 L: 1.24 |
S: <.6 L: 0.03 |
S: 6-10 L: 0.79 |
(cm/day) |
0.05 |
0.08 |
0.08 |
0.08 |
0.05 |
View complete Local Weather
Quote Ticker |
- CORN (Mar 25) 483'4 -7'4
 - CORN (May 25) 497'4 -6'4
 - CORN (Jul 25) 500'6 -6'2
 - CORN (Sep 25) 470'4 -1'6
 - CORN (Dec 25) 469'6 -1'0
 - SOYBEANS (Mar 25) 1043'6 -6'0
 - SOYBEANS (May 25) 1060'2 -5'2
 - SOYBEANS (Jul 25) 1076'4 -4'4
 - WHEAT (Mar 25) 576'4 -2'4
 - WHEAT (May 25) 589'4 -2'4
 - CORN (Mar 25) 483'4 -7'4
 - CORN (May 25) 497'4 -6'4
 - CORN (Jul 25) 500'6 -6'2
 - SOYBEANS (Mar 25) 1043'6 -6'0
 - SOYBEANS (May 25) 1060'2 -5'2
 - SOYBEANS (Jul 25) 1076'4 -4'4
 - WHEAT (Mar 25) 576'4 -2'4
 - WHEAT (May 25) 589'4 -2'4
 - WHEAT (Jul 25) 601'2 -2'6

Quote of the Day |
"Without deviation, progress is not possible." |
~ |
Frank Zappa, (1940 - 1993), American composer, guitarist, and satirist |