5-day Forecast for Stouffville, ON |
Date |
16 Jan |
17 Jan |
18 Jan |
19 Jan |
20 Jan |
Weather Condition |
Weather |
Snow |
Mostly Cloudy |
Snow |
Snow |
Snow |
L/H (°C) |
-9/-4 |
-6/1 |
-6/1 |
-13/-7 |
-17/-12 |
Feels Like
L/H (°C) |
-15/-8 |
-10/-5 |
-12/-3 |
-20/-12 |
-24/-20 |
Dew Point
(°C) |
-10 |
-6 |
-5 |
-14 |
-19 |
(%) |
77 |
76 |
84 |
67 |
66 |
Wind Speed
(kph) |
10 |
16 |
18 |
11 |
16 |
Precip (%) |
80 |
- |
70 |
30 |
60 |
Precip Amt (cm)
S: 2.5-5 L: 0.28 |
None |
S: 2.5-5 L: 0.58 |
S: .6-2.5 L: 0.10 |
S: 2.5-5 L: 0.43 |
(cm/day) |
0.05 |
0.08 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
View complete Local Weather
Quote Ticker |
- CORN (Mar 25) 477'6 -1'0
- CORN (May 25) 486'2 -1'6
- CORN (Jul 25) 489'4 -2'4
- CORN (Sep 25) 456'4 -2'6
- CORN (Dec 25) 455'0 -2'0
- SOYBEANS (Mar 25) 1033'4 -9'2
- SOYBEANS (May 25) 1046'0 -9'2
- SOYBEANS (Jul 25) 1057'2 -8'6
- WHEAT (Mar 25) 544'2 -2'6
- WHEAT (May 25) 555'4 -3'2
- CORN (Mar 25) 477'6 -1'0
- CORN (May 25) 486'2 -1'6
- CORN (Jul 25) 489'4 -2'4
- SOYBEANS (Mar 25) 1033'4 -9'2
- SOYBEANS (May 25) 1046'0 -9'2
- SOYBEANS (Jul 25) 1057'2 -8'6
- WHEAT (Mar 25) 544'2 -2'6
- WHEAT (May 25) 555'4 -3'2
- WHEAT (Jul 25) 565'6 -2'6
Quote of the Day |
"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life." |